
It is important to understand, my services are not for every brother who is “looking” for a wife. It is exclusively for brothers who have reached a certain level of urgency and seriousness in their quest to complete their deen and are High Value Muslim Men (HVM²).
How do you avoid Zena when you are single? For many of us porn is the unfortunate answer. I hope we can agree that porn is not a healthy habit even for single men. If not, please take the time to research the negative effect of porn and porn addiction. It is even more unhealthy for a productive and healthy marriage.
Are you addicted to porn? Well how often do you look at porn? If you are viewing on porn on a regular basis, you are probably addicted. Brothers, our purpose here is for you to find your wife and in the process, become the greatest version of yourself – the man you want your sons to be and your daughters to marry. Being addicted to pornography, destroying your family from the inside, falls nowhere in this picture. On top of all of this, porn is Haram.
As a Man of Deen, you are expected to be free of porn by the time you arrive.at Nikkah. I know its hard brothers, let’s do the work!
It is one thing to say you believe in Allah (swt) and The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), it is quite another path to allow Islam to permeate every aspect of your life, including business, steeped in your faith and doing your best to follow the deen. As humans, we are all equal in the eyes of Allah swt, however as Muslims, we are clearly not all the same.
Are these men – men who hold themselves to the highest standards of Islam and know that success in the dunya is not just about finances. As HVM², we are not just here to survive, but to serve as examples of the best of the Ummah and uplift our families and local communities
We write rarely, but only the best content.
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